The History of Bakhar's Leg

The History of Miila Bakhar by journalist/writer Jafer Ali is downloadable now thanks to Calanqo Tube. Miila Bakhar, which translates to "Bakhar's Leg" is the story of the battle of Chelenko fought between the Oromos of Eastern Hararge and the invading army of the Abyssinian Emperor Minelik. Jafer Ali named the radio play "Bakhar's Leg" in memory of the Raba Dori's army commander Bakhar Waare, who lost his leg in the battle. Bakhar Waare led the Oromo cavalry in battle and lost his leg during the battle and did not realize that his leg was missing until one of his soldiers informed him. Hence the common phrase in Hararge when something goes missing, "achi buute miila bakhar".



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