An Afternoon with Nadhi Gamada and Abba Yusuf, Mogadishu (1985)

Photo of Mogadishu, Somalia - 1980's "I brought you a guest today" said Abba Yusuf as he entered and greeted my father. Abba Yusuf was the organizations envoy in Mogadishu for almost 20 years. He was practically raised by the organization and was in charge of all of it's dealings in the city. On this occasion he was hosting the OLF's Head of Political Affairs, Nadhi Gamada, who was in Mogadishu to officially open diplomatic relations with the Somali gov't. The meeting was brief and they agreed to meet again the next day for lunch. When Nadhi arrived in Mogadishu he was briefed by Somali National Security, who told him that he was free to move about in the city. But they placed undercover agents outside of his hotel to watch him. This was done so that they can identify and gather information on OLF members in Mogadishu (incase relations went bad and they needed to round them up in the future). However, Abba Yusuf came up with a clever plan and they were a...