Reshape the Culture: Oromummaa & Ideology

Oromummaa & Ideology Political ideology and ethnicity are two separate things. Ras Gobana, Habtegiorgis Dinegde, Ras Ali, Balcha and their states/armies are no less Oromo than the states they fought to subdue in their allegience with Menelik. Dismissing them as simple lackeys with no motives or agenda of their own, which Oromo nationalists tend to do, is a simplistic way of looking at their history. Similarly, saying that they hated Oromos and killed people because they’re Oromo doesn’t make sense. Their ideology was one that centred around the Orthodox church and Christianity, not ethnicity. So although they came from Oromo tribes and Oromo regions, they identified with the church and the state more than an Arsi Oromo or Wallagga Oromo who was not even a citizen of that state at the time. Similarly, under the rule of Haile Selassie when Oromo officers formed the Maccaa-Tuulamaa Self-Help Association (MTA) they were allowed to operate legally, until it was discovered that the ...