Araarsoo's Guest (based on a true story)

By Jilcha Hamid Sunrise brought calm and serenity over the village of Walensu and villagers woke up to the call of the roosters. The farmers washed up for the morning prayer, had breakfast and headed out to their fields for another day of work. It was another day in the village. Well...almost. “Do you have anything in your pockets?” Ararso asked a man laying on the floor mat. “..hin qabu” replied his guest, quietly. “Okay, hold this and come outside. You can't sit here by yourself.” The man reluctantly complied as he was handed a farmers tool. Although he was somewhat suspicious of his host, he had no choice but to comply. After all, he was a guest. As the farmers worked in the fields a column of soldiers entered the village and began questioning people about last night. Their base came under heavy fire and they believed that their attackers may have come from Walensu, or at least passed through the village. It was a common occurrence and the villagers had grown...